Mirror of Justice

A blog dedicated to the development of Catholic legal theory.
Affiliated with the Program on Church, State & Society at Notre Dame Law School.

Friday, October 11, 2024

"The Father of the School Choice Movement"

James Schuls (Missouri) has a fascinating piece in the latest Journal of School Choice called "The Father of the School Choice Movement", about Fr. Virgil Blum. I am more than a little bit sheepish about the fact that I'd never heard of Fr. Blum! Here is the abstract:

Milton Friedman is widely considered the intellectual father of the school choice movement. While Friedman deserves much credit, Father Virgil Blum stands out as an influential figure in the nascent school choice movement. Using archival research, this paper examines Blum’s contributions to the movement. From his 1954 doctoral dissertation, which made the legal case for funding religious schools, to his 1958 book, Freedom of Choice in Education, and his decades-long career as a professor, Blum was a tireless advocate for educational freedom. While Friedman made the market argument, Blum made the legal, moral, and religious freedom arguments for school choice.



October 11, 2024 in Garnett, Rick | Permalink

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

"On the Dignity of Society: Catholic Social Thought and Natural Law"

Well, it's Russ Hittinger on Catholic Social Thought so, "self-recommending" but . . . if you are in or near Chicago on November 7, don't miss this event at the Lumen Christi Institute:


Russell Hittinger has long been one of the world's leading scholars of Catholic social teaching and natural law theory. His most recent book, On the Dignity of Society, presents the fruit of his mature thinking on fundamental issues in Catholic political thought. Rooted in Thomistic philosophy and natural law theory, but also animated by his study of St. Augustine and thus sensitive to historical contexts and arenas for moral and theological disputation, Hittinger articulates the deepest principles of the Church's social teaching and sheds considerable light on their historical applications. At this event, Profs. Mary Hirschfeld and R. H. Helmholz will discuss Hittinger's latest work, and the event will conclude with a response from Prof. Hittinger. 

On Saturday, Russ Hittinger and Scott Roniger will lead a master class titled "What Is a Society? On the Coherence of Catholic Social Thought from Pope Leo XIII to Pope Francis."

October 8, 2024 in Garnett, Rick | Permalink