Tuesday, September 7, 2021
Scholarly Impact and Catholic Legal Education (Part Three)
A few days ago, after reporting the 2021 update to the Scholarly Impact Ranking of law faculties (here), I began a short series of posts on why scholarly work and scholarly impact are especially important to Catholic legal education, which I conclude today.
The first point, made here, was that a meaningfully Catholic law school must be an intellectually engaged law school, which is not possible without a faculty also engaged in the quintessential intellectual activity of scholarly research and writing.
My second point, made here, was that through scholarly excellence and law school scholarly prominence, we witness to society the vibrancy of intellectual discourse by persons of faith and counter the anti-intellectual stereotype often assigned to religiously-affiliated law schools.
My third point today is that, as Catholic Christians, we have been called to share the Gospel, both directly and indirectly. The central role of scholarly research in our academic vocation is affirmed by no less a Catholic authority than Saint John Paul II in the apostolic constitution for Catholic universities, Ex Code Ecclesiae: “The basic mission of a University is a continuous quest for truth through its research, and the preservation and communication of knowledge for the good of society.”
For some of us on law school faculties, that directive means writing on Catholic legal theory and applying Christian-grounded principles to the legal and social issues of the day. For all of us, it means conducting the search for the truth with integrity and dedication. The search for the truth is hard work — and for Catholic academics that hard work requires scholarly engagement.
Turning again to the words of Ex Corde, for a Catholic university
Included among its research activities, therefore, will be a study of serious contemporary problems in areas such as the dignity of human life, the promotion of justice for all, the quality of personal and family life, the protection of nature, the search for peace and political stability, a more just sharing in the world's resources, and a new economic and political order that will better serve the human community at a national and international level. University research will seek to discover the roots and causes of the serious problems of our time, paying special attention to their ethical and religious dimensions.
Through our work — through the excellent quality, regular production, and integrity of our work (comporting with the standards of our discipline) — we may have a significant influence on the development of the law and of the legal culture. As my Dean Rob Vischer has written (here), “a fundamental mission of law schools is to advance knowledge and thereby contribute to human flourishing.” For religiously-affiliated law schools, Vischer says, our mission includes “producing scholarship aimed at bringing a more just world into view.” And this scholarly mission can resonate with and be integrated into our teaching and collaborative work with students. To again quote Rob Vischer, we should not neglect “the formative potential of inviting students to be active participants in a law school's scholarly culture.”
On the call to challenge and inform the culture, Ex Corde speaks as well to the vital importance of scholarly work:
By its very nature, a University develops culture through its research, helps to transmit the local culture to each succeeding generation through its teaching, and assists cultural activities through its educational services. It is open to all human experience and is ready to dialogue with and learn from any culture. A Catholic University shares in this, offering the rich experience of the Church's own culture. In addition, a Catholic University, aware that human culture is open to Revelation and transcendence, is also a primary and privileged place for a fruitful dialogue between the Gospel and culture.
We cannot fully participate as academics in the search for the truth without also contributing to the scholarly literature, which reaches audiences both within and beyond the walls of our own institution and which is preserved in medium so that we can affect the scholarly discourse long after we have departed.
What a tremendous privilege — and a grave responsibility.
September 7, 2021 in Sisk, Greg | Permalink
Postdoctoral Research Associates in Religion and Politics
Postdoctoral Research Associates in Religion and Politics
The John C. Danforth Center on Religion and Politics seeks applications from junior scholars and recent Ph.D. graduates for up to four postdoctoral fellowships in residence at Washington University in St. Louis. The appointment is for one year, renewable for a second year. Eligible applicants must complete the Ph.D. by July 1, 2022, and are expected to have completed it no earlier than January 1, 2017. In exceptional cases a qualified applicant who completed the Ph.D. prior to 2017 or who hold a J.D. without a Ph.D. may be considered. Research associates will spend most of their time pursuing research and writing for their own projects. They will also serve the intellectual life of the Danforth Center on Religion and Politics through participation in its biweekly interdisciplinary seminar and events hosted by the Center. Their teaching responsibilities will include: 1) developing one course per year to complement and contribute to the Center’s curricular offerings, and 2) possibly assisting in one additional course each year (depending on the particular teaching needs of the Center). Washington University in St. Louis is an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer and especially encourages members of underrepresented groups to apply.
Required Qualifications: Applicants should hold a doctorate in religious studies, politics, anthropology, law, philosophy, theology, American studies, history, Jewish studies, sociology, or another relevant field. Scholars should be engaged in projects centrally concerned with religion and politics in the United States, historically or in the present day.
Application Instructions: Applicants must send all of the following information as a single pdf file to the Center at [email protected]:
1) Cover letter including an overview of the postdoctoral research project 2) Current curriculum vitae
3) Relevant writing sample (25-35 pages)
4) Two undergraduate course proposals (a summary paragraph for each will suffice)
Applicants should also arrange to have three letters of recommendation submitted on their behalf to [email protected].
Applications are due in full by January 6, 2022. Applicants will be notified of fellowship decisions by March 2, 2022. For more information, contact the Center at (314) 935-9345 or via e-mail at [email protected].
Salary Range: Competitive salary commensurate with experience.
September 7, 2021 | Permalink
Boston College Law School Dean Search
The Dean Search Committee for the Boston College Law School has been announced. Former MOJ-er Vince Rougeau (now President of the College of the Holy Cross) has left big shoes to fill! Good luck to BC!
September 7, 2021 in Garnett, Rick | Permalink
Monday, September 6, 2021
O. Carter Snead on the Texas abortion law and Roe v. Wade
My friend and colleague, Carter Snead -- whose work is almost certainly familiar to MOJ readers -- has an excellent op-ed in The Washington Post, called "Critics of Texas's Convoluted Abortion Law Have a Point: The Solution is To Overrule Roe v. Wade." A bit:
[W]hy are we now reduced to having a fevered meta-argument about procedural technicalities regarding the jurisdiction of federal courts? In short, it is because Texas was fed up with the interminable cycle of crafting laws to protect the unborn, followed inexorably by injunctions and years of litigation before judges seeking to apply indeterminate standards stemming from a constitutionally unwarranted power grab by the Supreme Court.
There is a road back to normalcy. The Supreme Court can put us on it by dismantling its ill-founded abortion law apparatus and freeing the American people to reason together, just like our friends in numerous other countries including England, France, and Germany have been free to do, and enact laws that protect and care properly for women, children (born and unborn) and families in need.
September 6, 2021 in Garnett, Rick | Permalink
Sunday, September 5, 2021
Scholarly Impact and Catholic Legal Education (Part Two)
Last week, I reported the 2021 update to the Scholarly Impact Ranking of law faculties that I and my team at the University of St. Thomas had just concluded: here.
Three years ago, I posted a series on the importance of scholarly activity and scholarly impact for Catholic legal education. I am revising and re-posting those, as they remain just as salient today. This is the second in the series of three.
The first point, which I made in a post last week, is that a meaningfully Catholic law school must be an intellectually engaged law school. Intellectual excitement and depth cannot be sustained without a faculty also engaged in the quintessential intellectual activity of scholarly research and writing.
My second point goes not only to Catholic legal education, but Catholic higher education in general: Through our scholarly excellence and prominence, we witness to society the vibrancy of intellectual discourse by persons of faith.
Throughout American history — and with increasing tendency today — persons of devout religious faith have often been discounted in academic and other elite cultural circles, sometimes regarded as intellectually inferior. As but one pertinent example, those who study reputational-based rankings of law schools (such as the U.S. News ranking which gives considerable weight to reputational surveys) have observed a “religious law school discount.” See Monte N. Stewart & H. Dennis Tolley, Investigating Possible Bias: The American Legal Academy’s View of Religious Affiliated Law Schools, 54 J. Legal Educ. 136 (2004). A law school that is religiously affiliated is likely to be downgraded an ordinal ranking level or more — due to poorer survey scoring by academic peers — when compared to otherwise equivalent law schools on objective measures such as student profile, employment statistics, faculty scholarly impact, etc. The strongest counterpoint to this "religious law school discount" is to prove the falsity of the anti-intellectual stereotype by encouraging our colleagues to perform even better than scholars at our peer institutions without a religious affiliation.
If Catholic legal education (or Catholic education in general) is to be acknowledged as intellectually fit, then faculty at Catholic institutions must be intellectually engaged. By producing excellent and well-written legal research, sharing our legal scholarship with others, and receiving deserved accolades for our work, we thereby enhance the intellectual reputation of Catholic legal education.
A half century ago, Monsignor Tracy Ellis provoked Catholic higher education through a speech and monograph titled, “American Catholics and the Intellectual Life.” Monsignor Ellis indicted Catholic colleges for failing to build a strong scholarly culture, leading to the disrepute of Catholic higher education.
Tom Mengler — who is President at St. Mary’s University in San Antonio and previously was dean at the University of St. Thomas School of Law and the University of Illinois College of Law — wrote thoughtfully about Monsignor Ellis in a piece published several years ago in the Journal of Catholic Social Thought titled “Why Should a Catholic Law School Be Catholic?” (here)
Monsignor Ellis blasted away at the anti-intellectualism of the American Catholic and the mediocrity —- especially the scholarly mediocrity — of American Catholic colleges and universities. Ellis wrote that the lack of an intellectual and scholarly tradition within Catholic higher education [was] a kind of self-imposed ghetto mentality * * *. [In the early twentieth century, Catholic colleges] emphasize[d] what Ellis called a narrow vocationalism and anti-intellectualism.
* * * By all accounts, Ellis’s tiny book had enormous impact on Catholic higher education. Just a few years after Ellis‟s book was published, Father John Cavanaugh, formerly Notre Dame’s president, credited Monsignor Ellis with upgrading scholarship at Catholic universities across the country. At most of the major Catholic universities — throughout their academic departments, including within the law schools — scholarship suddenly became a more important focus.
In our Catholic law schools, we are the heirs of Monsignor Ellis’s intellectual legacy. And the need for a vibrant scholarly culture in Catholic higher education remains as compelling. As I’ll turn to with the third point later this week, the additional challenge today is to ensure that our scholarly excellence includes a critical mass of distinctly Catholic or Catholic-inspired work to influence the larger society for the good.
September 5, 2021 in Sisk, Greg | Permalink
"Establishment's Political Priority to Free Exercise"
I have a new paper on the political relationship of establishment and free exercise as exemption. It responds to several scholarly and other claims and trends in First Amendment work. But some of the paper's arguments and implications are directed toward advocates of religious liberty as much as opponents. Here is the abstract:
American law is beset by disagreement about the First Amendment. Progressive scholars are attacking the venerable liberal view that First Amendment rights must not be constricted to secure communal, political benefits. To prioritize rights, they say, reflects an unjust inflation of individual interest over our common political commitments. These disagreements afflict the Religion Clauses as well. Critics claim that religious exemption has become more important than the values of disestablishment that define the polity. Free exercise exemption, they argue, has subordinated establishment.
This Article contests these views. The fundamental rules and norms constituting the political regime—what the Article calls “the establishment”—has now, and has always had, political priority to rights of exemption from it. This basic claim may be narrowed to the issue of church and state, but it is simply a more focused version of the same thing: the establishment’s civil religion—the set of transcendent, church-state propositions that supports the political regime’s legitimacy and authority—has political priority to rights of exemption from it. Narrowed further, the basic claim also reflects the dynamics of Religion Clause doctrine: religious exemption’s contemporary ascendance is an epiphenomenal consequence of the civil religion dismantling effected by the Supreme Court’s Religion Clause doctrine in the twentieth century and consolidated by the Court in the twenty first. Though today’s most divisive law and religion controversies often take surface-level legal shape as conflicts about free exercise exemption, their deeper source is a long-gestating transformation in the nature of the American political regime’s civil religion establishment. Today’s free exercise cases are the latest skirmishes in yesterday’s disestablishment wars. They reflect disagreements over how best to characterize the work of the dismantlers, as well as efforts toward consolidation of that work to achieve a new civil religion regime. And what they show is that in twenty-first century America, just as ever, establishment still takes political priority to free exercise.
September 5, 2021 in DeGirolami, Marc | Permalink
Friday, September 3, 2021
Professor Rick Garnett Filed Amicus Brief Regarding Ministerial Exception
Professor Rick Garnett, along with other constitutional law scholars, filed a brief of amici curiae (Belya et al v. Kapral) regarding church autonomy and the ministerial exception.
The brief can be read Download 2021-09-02 ECF 93 Amici Curiae Brief [Belya v Kapral] (1).
September 3, 2021 | Permalink
Scholarly Impact and Catholic Legal Education (Part One)
Two days ago, I reported the 2021 update to the Scholarly Impact Ranking of law faculties that I and my team at the University of St. Thomas had just concluded: here.
Every three years, I also post to Mirror of Justice a series on the importance of scholarly activity and scholarly impact for Catholic legal education. Over the next week, I'll repost revised versions of these posts, as they remain just as salient today.
Whenever a report or study is published on the scholarly activities of law professors, it is likely to provoke some critical responses questioning whether legal scholarship has any practical value. Someone is likely to argue yet again that law professors spend too much time on scholarly writing at the expense of their teaching responsibilities.
In my view, this usually reflects a false conflict between scholarship and teaching. We should not view scholarly work and teaching as competing with each other, rather than understanding that the intellectual preparation found in scholarly research and writing is complementary to greater depth in teaching. As we wrote in our 2018 report:
Why would students want to learn from the law professor who arrives at the classroom podium only after abandoning rigorous written engagement with legal problems? How can we expect students to be inspired to professional leadership, masterful and dedicated client representation, and principled law reform if their professors do not exemplify the intellectual curiosity, the breadth of thought, and the conscientious inquiry of a legal scholar?
When I am asked, with respect to my own institution, the University of St. Thomas, whether we should continue to strive for scholarly excellence and national scholarly prominence or whether we should devote greater attention to teaching and enhancing professional formation, my answer is an unequivocal “yes!” Especially during these challenging times, whether because of additional duties during the pandemic or shrinking faculty size with budgetary challenges, we as tenured faculty members need to step up and work even harder to achieve excellence in both responsibilities.
Moreover, it bears reminding, even if the teaching and counseling duties of tenured faculty have increased during the academic year, the long, glorious months of summer would remain. At most law schools, few students are in school and few classes are being taught during the summer and those that are taught during summer are rarely taught by full-time faculty. Given that luxury of uninterrupted weeks of work time, most tenured faculty have been given more than ample opportunity to produce one or two major works of scholarship each year.
I want to address today a more pointed question: How important is scholarly impact to a Catholic law school?
For three reasons, I think the scholarly mission of the tenured (and tenure-track) law faculty takes on added importance for the Catholic law school: (1) an intellectually engaged law school culture requires scholarly-engaged law faculty; (2) a scholarly-prominent Catholic law school is a strong witness for the intellectual vibrancy of scholars of faith; and (3) a Catholic law school through the scholarly work of its faculty influences for good the culture in which it is situated.
I’ll say a little more about the first of points below and then follow up with the other two points in separate posts over the next week.
On my first point, a law school that is meaningfully Catholic in character will be grounded in the Catholic intellectual tradition, while giving careful attention to and including faculty who work from other intellectual traditions and scholarly movements. Indeed, one of the signature virtues of the Catholic intellectual tradition is that it is enriched by other traditions as well. A law school cannot be an intellectually vigorous place without faculty who are engaged in the quintessential intellectual activity of scholarly research and writing. One can best convey to students the excitement and meaning of intellectual discourse, along with the satisfaction of applying reason informed by theory to new situations, when one is doing that hard scholarly work oneself.
I recall a law professor from another law school many years ago who referred in casual conversation with me to the “scholarly” faculty at yet another law school (that shall remain unnamed). She characterized them as an genuinely scholarly faculty because, even though no one on that faculty produced much in the way of scholarly publications themselves, the faculty gathered every couple of weeks in the faculty lounge to discuss a recent scholarly article written by someone elsewhere. At the time, I thought how odd it would be to describe the faculty at a school of music as musically engaged, even though none of the faculty wrote music or played instruments, but instead gathered frequently to listen to and discuss music written or played by others.
If we are to bear witness to the Catholic intellectual tradition — and other intellectual disciplines — we must be thinking hard about those matters. And that means writing about them. We all know that a student can listen to a classroom discussion without thinking. And, as we’ve all experienced, especially when trying to read a legal text late in the evening, a person can read without thinking. But no one can write without thinking. Putting pen to paper (literally or figuratively through a keyboard) demands an engagement for which no discussion group, conversation, or attendance at a lecture by someone else can substitute.
By engaging in scholarly writing of our own, we enhance our ability to critically examine the previously published scholarship of others, and we frequently discover the greater persuasiveness of prior scholarly work when we take the time to examine it in our own work. As I often am reminded in doing research, it is very easy to unfairly criticize the scholarly work that someone else has done, only to find when I actually engage with the same issues and materials in doing my own work, that the prior researcher did very well with what she had before her. One is rightly skeptical of purported scholars who pontificate on the work of others but have never done the heavy lifting of laboring in that field themselves.
More to come.
September 3, 2021 | Permalink
Wednesday, September 1, 2021
Professor Rick Garnett to Speak at Constitution Day Lecture at The Citadel
The Citadel will hold Constitution Day events, including one on Sept. 23, with constitutional expert, Prof. Richard Garnett, JD. He is the Paul J. Schierl/Fort Howard Corporation Professor of Law and Concurrent Professor of Political Science at the University of Notre Dame, where he is also the founding director of the Program on Church, State & Society.
“We can all learn from Prof. Garnett’s expertise on First Amendment issues, especially on the freedoms of speech, association and religion. Additionally, he is a leading authority on questions of religion in politics and society,” said Scott Segrest, Ph.D., assistant professor of Political Science at The Citadel. “Professor Garnett earned his J.D. from Yale Law School and clerked for the late Chief Justice of the United States, William H. Rehnquist, and also for the late Chief Judge of the S.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit, Richard S. Arnold.”
Information on these events can be found here: https://today.citadel.edu/two-ways-to-advance-your-knowledge-about-about-the-u-s-constitution/
September 1, 2021 | Permalink
Ranking the Scholarly Impact of Law Faculties in 2021
Every three years, I lead a team at the University of St. Thomas to study the scholarly citations of thousands of tenured law professors (involving nearly half-a-million citations) to measure the scholarly impact of American law faculties, that is, whether other scholars are actually relying on their written works of scholarship. Using the basic methodology pioneered by Professor Brian Leiter at the University of Chicago, we rank approximately the top third of law schools.
With the full study available here, I am pasting the Top 50 below. Notably, five Catholic law schools appear in or near the Top 25: Georgetown, Fordham, the University of St. Thomas (Minnesota), the University of San Diego, and Notre Dame.
I am delighted that my own school, the University of St. Thomas, has remained inside the Top 25 again (at #23), far above its U.S. News ranking.
Fordham has been a remarkable success story on scholarly impact over the past decade, having debuted in our 2021 ranking at #43 and moving subsequently through #35 and #29 to arrive in the Top 25 at #23 for 2021. While not suggesting it is anything miraculous, they do seem to be changing the water into scholarly wine at Fordham Law.
The University of San Diego continues to rank considerably higher for its faculty’s scholarly impact than the questionable U.S. News ranking. For 2021, The University of San Diego places #30 in the Scholarly Impact ranking, but is remarkably under appreciated when U.S. News drops it to #86.
Over the next few days, as I do every three years, I will follow-up with a three-part series on the importance of scholarly activity and scholarly impact for Catholic legal education.
Table 1: Summary of Scholarly Impact Ranking of Law Faculties, 2021
Rank |
Law School |
Weighted Score |
1 |
Yale |
1345 |
2 |
Chicago |
1110 |
3 |
Harvard |
940 |
4 |
921 |
5 |
Columbia |
814 |
6 |
Stanford |
752 |
6 |
Cal-Berkeley |
749 |
8 |
Pennsylvania |
663 |
9 |
Virginia |
646 |
9 |
Vanderbilt |
644 |
11 |
605 |
12 |
Duke |
597 |
13 |
Michigan |
545 |
14 |
Cal-Irvine |
537 |
15 |
Northwestern |
528 |
15 |
Cornell |
527 |
17 |
Georgetown |
514 |
18 |
George Washington |
472 |
18 |
Texas |
471 |
18 |
Minnesota |
468 |
21 |
Washington U |
440 |
22 |
Cal-Davis |
435 |
23 |
George Mason |
420 |
23 |
Fordham |
414 |
23 |
Boston U |
411 |
23 |
U. St. Thomas (MN) |
410 |
27 |
Arizona |
387 |
27 |
William & Mary |
384 |
29 |
382 |
30 |
U. San Diego |
367 |
31 |
Notre Dame |
346 |
31 |
Illinois |
344 |
33 |
Cardozo |
340 |
33 |
Brooklyn |
338 |
33 |
Colorado |
336 |
36 |
Case Western |
325 |
36 |
Utah |
326 |
36 |
North Carolina |
323 |
36 |
Emory |
317 |
40 |
Kansas |
311 |
40 |
Hastings |
305 |
40 |
Chicago-Kent |
304 |
43 |
Ohio State |
300 |
43 |
Alabama |
293 |
43 |
Georgia |
289 |
46 |
American |
287 |
46 |
Florida State |
278 |
46 |
Maryland |
278 |
49 |
Temple |
275 |
49 |
268 |
49 |
Wake Forest |
265 |
Note: Original post updated to include discussion of the University of San Diego.
September 1, 2021 in Sisk, Greg | Permalink