Monday, March 15, 2021
"Joe Biden and Catholicism in U.S. Politics"
The Berkley Center at Georgetown has posted a collection of short essays on the subject of "Joe Biden and Catholicism in U.S. Politics." In my view, the authors (as a general matter) overstate the consonance between (a) President Biden's stated views and (b) the policies the Biden administration is likely to pursue with (c) plausible operationalizations of Catholic proposals and social teachings. Among other things, there is in the essays a -- for me -- disappointing tendency to equate present-day public-sector unionism with the Church's longstanding emphasis on the dignity of work and the rights of workers. And, the significance of Biden's and his administration's rejection of the Church's teachings -- that is, the truth -- about the rights and dignity of unborn children is downplayed. (In fairness, I should note that I was invited to contribute one of the essays, and failed (multiple times!) to meet my deadline!)
In any event, check out the collection and, MOJ-ers, please weigh in with your thoughts on the topic!