Monday, January 30, 2017
We've Been There
When it comes to religious discrimination, we Catholics have been there before in American history. We’ve been reviled as ignorant and subservient subjects of a foreign monarchy. We’ve been subjected to second-class status. We’ve been accused of undermining American values.
People of good faith will have differences of policy on national security, immigration, educational policy, etc. The need for exercise of prudential judgment in implementing such policies must be acknowledged.
But we as Catholics above all others have a moral duty to stand up against discrimination on the basis of faith, whether blatantly expressed or hidden with a thin veil.
As Professor Robert George has said, “Let us, Muslims and Christians alike, forget past quarrels and stand together for righteousness, justice, and the dignity of all.” When too many would like to divide, and when others act through ignorance or incompetence in a manner that divides us, we should choose the path of unity and solidarity.