Mirror of Justice

A blog dedicated to the development of Catholic legal theory.
Affiliated with the Program on Church, State & Society at Notre Dame Law School.

Thursday, December 31, 2015

Three articles of interest at the Stanford Law & Policy Review (Cover, DeGirolami, & Walsh)

The current volume of the Stanford Law & Policy Review contains several law and religion articles. While all may be of interest to MOJ readers, three may be of particular interest. Here are the titles and a brief description from the SLPR webpage. 

Constitutional Contraction: Religion and the Roberts Court
Marc O. DeGirolami, Professor of Law & Associate Dean for Faculty Scholarship, St. John's University
This Article argues that the most salient feature to emerge in the first decade of the Roberts Court's law and religion jurisprudence is the contraction of the Constitutional Law of religious freedom.
26 Stan. L. & Pol'y Rev. 385 (2015)

Addressing Three Problems in Commentary on Catholics at the Supreme Court by Reference to Three Decades of Catholic Bishops' Amicus Briefs
Kevin C. Walsh Professor of Law, University of Richmond School of Law
Much commentary about Catholic Justices serving on the Supreme Court suffers from various shortcomings. In identifying and countering these shortcomings, this Article assesses the votes of the Justices - Catholic and non-Catholic alike - in the full set of cases form the Rehnquist Court and the Roberts Court (through June 2014) in which the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops filed an amicus curiae brief.
26 Stan.L.& Pol'y Rev. 411 (2015)

Archetypes of Faith: How Americans See, and Believe in, Their Constitution
Aliza Plener Cover, Associate Professor, University of Idaho College of Law
This Article offers a new framework to illuminate how American faith in the Constitution is sustained over time. It builds upon the evocative Passover story of the Four Sons—one of whom is wise, one wicked, one simple, and one who does not know how to ask—and argues that these archetypes resonate deeply in the constitutional context.
26 Stan.L.& Pol'y Rev. 555 (2015)

I nominate my article for the prize of most unwieldy title, Marc's for most legally insightful, and Cover's for most culturally insightful.


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