Sunday, April 26, 2015
Evangelii Gaudium and Catholic Legal Theory
Thanks to Rick for his faithful posts of the presentations at Friday's Scarpa conference. It was a wonderful gathering at so many different levels and I am grateful to Patrick Brennan and our other friends at Villanova for hosting us.
As Rick described in one of his posts, my contribution to the day was a talk on Evangelii Gaudium and Catholic Legal Theory. As I said during my presentation, Pope Francis' Apostolic Exhortation offers a series of thoughts that I think help inform our effort to develop a Catholic Legal Theory and provides us with some significant themes that can help us reflect on what should be our foci and how we engage in this task.
I posted my remarks on my webpage, and you can read them here. I always think I will have more time than I do when I present at conferences, so not everything that appears in the text made it into my talk. But hopefully those interested in our project who were not able to be with us might find something of benefit in it.