Mirror of Justice

A blog dedicated to the development of Catholic legal theory.
Affiliated with the Program on Church, State & Society at Notre Dame Law School.

Monday, July 14, 2014

The essential rule of interpretation of Pope Francis

The essential rule of interpretation of Pope Francis: No, it's not the great-nice-try that was the "hermeneutic of continuity."  Instead, according to Fr. Bernd Hagenkord, SJ, Head of the German-language Section of Vatican Radio, it is power:

Francis knows exactly how power is spelled,” says Bernd Hagenkord, a Jesuit who is in charge of German programming for Vatican Radio. “He’s a communicator in the league with Mother Teresa and the Dalai Lama.They say he’s being unclear, but we know exactly what he means.

For the context of the quote, follow the lead in Rorate Caeli

As one senior European prelate who has served under the last three popes once told me, "Francis doesn't often refer to himself Pope, but when you're in his presence, you know that he knows he's the Pope, and that's why he doesn't need to call himself Pope."  Indeed, we know exactly what he means.    


Brennan, Patrick | Permalink