Mirror of Justice

A blog dedicated to the development of Catholic legal theory.
Affiliated with the Program on Church, State & Society at Notre Dame Law School.

Friday, November 22, 2013

CREDO: MOJ for economists?

I've learned about an interesting new project called CREDO, which is "a society of research economists interested in the conversation between the Catholic faith and economic research as it applies to the economy, the Church, and broader society":

The five-fold goals of CREDO are:

  1. To foster a community of Catholic scholars interested in this conversation
  2. To promote the dissemination of economic knowledge and findings into the public discourse of the broader segments of the Church leadership and laity
  3. To foster awareness and reflection on the principles of Catholic social thought and their relationship to the normative evaluation of the economy
  4. To help mentor young Catholic research economists or others interested in these areas
  5. To act as an available resource for competent, non-ideological, non-partisan economic expertise for Church leaders and organizations engaged in social and economic issues.

Check it out!


Garnett, Rick | Permalink