Mirror of Justice

A blog dedicated to the development of Catholic legal theory.
Affiliated with the Program on Church, State & Society at Notre Dame Law School.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

"Evangelicals and Catholics Together on Law: The Lord of Heaven and Earth"

Well, it's been a long time coming -- about 8 years, I think, when Bob Cochran and I met in New York with Fr. Richard Neuhaus -- but "Evangelicals and Catholics Together on Law:  The Lord of Heaven and Earth" is now out.  You can get it, thanks to the Journal of Christian Legal Thought, here.  (It will also be published in Villanova's Journal of Catholic Social Thought).  The document is called “Evangelicals and Catholics Together on Law”, and it is signed by a dozen or so legal scholars from both faith groups.

Over the last eight years, many of us met at several meetings to get to know one another, learn about our histories, and draft this document.  We had some amazing collaborators.  We met for a weekend at Notre Dame with historians John McGreevy and George Marsden.  They traced our communities’ history of conflict (mostly) and collaboration (more recently) on the subject of law.  Then we met at Pepperdine with philosopher/theologians Bradley Lewis, Dallas Willard, Joan Lockwood O’Donovan, and Oliver O’Donovan.  They helped us think through both our overlapping and conflicting ideas about law.  Then we met for major drafting sessions at Villanova and New Orleans.  The major drafting oars went to (volunteers) Patrick Brennan and Bill Brewbaker.  The attached document is the product of their work, with input from the broad range of people who attended our meetings and commented on earlier drafts.  And, at law year's Lumen Christi / Christian Law Professors Fellowship meeting at the AALS, we had a really productive panel at which scholars from a variety of faith traditions reacted to, and thoughtfully criticized, the statement.

Please consider reading the statement and sharing it.  Future issues of the Journal will be publishing some responses to it. 


Garnett, Rick | Permalink


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I'm just an Eastern Orthodox law student, but I'd love to see some Orthodox scholars weigh in from our tradition. Thanks for posting.

Posted by: Troy | Sep 10, 2013 7:10:29 PM

Congratulation on this Joint Statement by Evangelical and Catholic Legal Scholars.

"The secular state is a provisional institution incapable of producing the full healing and justice that the world requires. Forgetting this fact puts us in danger of trying to usher in a false utopia in the name of Christ."

Until that Time when everything that rises will converge and be perfected through, with, and in Christ, in the unity of The Holy Spirit, let us not forget to thank God for Purgatory:)

Posted by: Nancy | Sep 12, 2013 12:10:10 PM