Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Liberalism at work (again)
I am getting more than a little tired of Bob Hockett's self-righteous orders about *what* can and cannot, should and should not be said at MOJ (the latest ukase is here ) and about *how* they should or should not be said on this weblog (e.g., "dial it down"). To my knowledge, no one created Hockett censor deputatus here. The positions I defend -- and have defended for a long, long time -- are Catholic. Bob and others here and elsewhere may disagree with the prudential judgments I reach, as I sometimes disagree with theirs. Such disagreements are inevitable and often fruitful. But I defy anyone to establish that my principles and basic positions are not well within the range of an honest effort at *Catholic* legal theory (and its contemporary implications). If Bob does not wish to be associated with my contributions, he is free to leave (again). Bob's cramped idea of what "law professors at American law schools" should and shouldn't say is all his own. The acceptable intellectual bandwith in American law schools is notoriously narrow, and I am not about to censor myself here at MOJ to conform to the spectrum that Bob desires MOJ, the Church, or the American law professoriate to reflect. My positions are rooted in and animated by the Catholic tradition, and I would not have it any other way.