Mirror of Justice

A blog dedicated to the development of Catholic legal theory.
Affiliated with the Program on Church, State & Society at Notre Dame Law School.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Nuns and Hollywood

AS Oscar season approaches, I guess it's time for the NYT's annual story about nuns involved in the movie industry.  This time it isn't Mother Dolores Hart, subject of the Oscar-nominated documentary about "the nun who kissed Elvis."  Rather, it's Sister Rose Pacatte,  film critic:  "A Nun at the Crossroads of Faith and Film."  Here's how she started out:

On the day before she entered a Catholic boarding school in August 1967, as a 15-year-old who felt the call to be a nun, Rose Pacatte indulged in a final fling with the secular world. She went to the local drive-in to see “The Dirty Dozen.”

And here's what she does now:

 Besides writing for The National Catholic Reporter’s online edition, she reviews for The St. Anthony Messenger, a monthly magazine for Catholic families with a circulation of about 300,000. She has presented talks on topics like “Meeting Jesus at the Movies” and “Media and the Moral Imagination” from Toronto to Oxford to Johannesburg. She has sat on Catholic or ecumenical juries at the Venice and Berlin International Film Festivals, among others.


Schiltz, Elizabeth | Permalink

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