Mirror of Justice

A blog dedicated to the development of Catholic legal theory.
Affiliated with the Program on Church, State & Society at Notre Dame Law School.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Robert Bork, RIP

Robert Bork died this morning at the age of 85 (notice from the University of Chicago Law School here). I noted just a few weeks ago the 25th anniversary of the Senate's rejection of Bork's nomination to the Supreme Court and some commentary on the legacy of the battle over his nomination. By any measure, Judge Bork lived a full life--service in the Marine Corps at the end of World War II, an academic career at Yale, private practice at Kirkland & Ellis, and government service as Solicitor General and a federal court of appeals judge. Bork was also an adult convert to Catholicism (he discussed his conversion in an interview here). In recent years, I would occasionally encounter Judge Bork and his friend Walter Berns dining at the University Club in Washington--anyone who wondered whether Western civilization is in a state of utter collapse needed only spend a few minutes with them to have such doubts put to rest. But Judge Bork had a lighter side, evinced in this 1996 piece on the benefits of a well-made dry martini to help put things in perspective. May he rest in peace.


Moreland, Michael | Permalink

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