Saturday, June 30, 2012
Photographed Somewhere in Naperville
No doubt Marc D and Mark M in Rome are in one of the best locations in the world for viewing the riches of the Church’s patrimony in art and architecture, and Marc’s post (here) was lots of fun. Still the Western Suburbs of Chicago aren’t without their treasures.
What does the Latin say in the stained glass window below? The winner gets no gold stars, just the satisfaction from knowing what MOJ is all about.
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Cool. Lo specchio della giustizia, el espejo de la justicia, le miroir de la justice, ένοπτρον δικαϊκόσ, der spiegel von recht (not quite right, I know)...
Naperville rocks!!
Posted by: Marc DeGirolami | Jun 30, 2012 9:59:13 AM
Mirror of Justice. Is that Sts. Peter and Paul Church?
Posted by: Catholic Law Student | Jul 2, 2012 10:10:18 AM
Yes, it's Saints Peter & Paul, our home parish. Although I said no gold stars, I think you merit one Catholic Law Student! As you likely know, but other readers might not, each of the three main entrances to the church is topped by three stained glass windows, each one depicting a different title for Our Lady. It is a truly beautiful church and the parish is a strong faith community of which we are blessed to be a part.
Posted by: John M. Breen | Jul 4, 2012 5:30:04 PM