Mirror of Justice

A blog dedicated to the development of Catholic legal theory.
Affiliated with the Program on Church, State & Society at Notre Dame Law School.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Former NY Capital Defender Kevin Doyle

Kevin Doyle lost his job as head of NY state's capital defense office for a really good reason: the state abolished the death penalty. Here is a wonderful interview with him that ranges over many important topics, including (briefly) his own reflections on fighting lymphoma. Kevin spoke and wrote for the St. Thomas Law Journal's symposium several years ago on "The Future of Pro-Life Progressivism." You can download his remarks here. They were witty, tough-minded, compassionate, and wholly and deeply Catholic (his first category of advice: "Don't burn your bridges, but make damn sure you char them"). The same features come through in this interview. Read it for an uplifting reminder, amid all the bickering these days, how many people are out there living the faith powerfully. Thanks and prayers for Kevin.


Berg, Thomas | Permalink

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Very plain spoken and powerful.

Posted by: Eapen Chacko | May 31, 2012 7:40:26 PM