Wednesday, December 21, 2011
The Scope of a Contraception-Mandate Exemption
Although I haven't looked at Fr. Jenkins' letter on the contraception mandate, Rick's description and defense of Fr. Jenkins's overall interventions on the matter seem convincing. The "not just for Catholics" religious-freedom principles he espouses are reflected in good language in a letter to HHS (see this story) from a group of left-leaning Catholics who have supported most aspects of healthcare reform but protest the narrowness of HHS's religious exemption. The letter's proposed language would cover a “nonprofit religious, educational or charitable organization” with objections to contraception/Plan-B if it has “bona fide religious purposes or reasons” and “holds itself out to the public as a religious organization.” This would clearly cover religious organizations without ties to a denomination or organized church, thus protecting evangelical and traditionalist Jewish organizations. (Disclosure: I worked on the draft letter, although I was not among the signatories since the group was of Catholics.)
While we're at it, here's Commonweal's new editorial call for a broader exemption.
The Bishops should rally the presidents of every Catholic High School, College, University, Hospital...and create a joint, signed statement that makes it clear to this administration that under no circumstance will they accept the use of coercion to mandate any action that is a clear violation of our inherent Right to practice our Faith in public and private, and invite all those of Good Will who recognize the mandatum to be a violation of our Religious Liberty, to join us.
Posted by: Nancy D. | Dec 22, 2011 12:03:05 AM
That won't happen Nancy, since many Catholic universities and hospitals already cover prescription contraception as part of their health plans. More than 1/2 of the states have statutes requiring health plans to cover prescription contraception if they provide for other prescription drug coverage. Many of those statutes have narrow religious exemptions. While some entities (e.g. Catholic Charities in NY and California) tried to fight this, many Catholic universities and hospitals simply started covering contraception.
Posted by: Susan Stabile | Dec 22, 2011 12:31:45 PM
Susan, while at this hour it may be late, it is not too late for all those who respect our inherent Right to witness to our Faith in public and private, to come together in an act of solidarity, for, if it is true that we are called to witness to The Word of God, we are ALL ministers of our Faith, which is why, for example, we who are Catholic, are part of The Royal Priesthood.
Posted by: Nancy D. | Dec 22, 2011 12:55:50 PM
My point, Nancy, is that large parts of the group you want the Bishops to call upon can hardly come together and say they won't do that which they are already doing.
I argued against the narrowness of the religious exemptions in the mandatory coverages statutes in places like NY and California. And I still maintain that position.
But the fact that many Catholic college and hospitals already provide contraception coverage (many, if not all, because of state law mandates) makes it hard for those institutions to claim "that under no circumstance will they accept the use of coercion to mandate" coverage.
Posted by: Susan Stabile | Dec 22, 2011 1:24:22 PM
I suppose that when you take The Word of God out of the equation, and one no longer recognizes The Truth of Love, that which cannot be reconciled with God becomes permissible. Perhaps all of us who have been sleeping in Gethsemane, should view this as our wake-up call.
I argue that because we are all called to be part of The Royal Priesthood, we are all ministers of our Faith, and thus the religious exemption discriminates against ALL members of the Laity and is thus a violation of our Religious Liberty.
Posted by: Nancy D. | Dec 22, 2011 2:02:11 PM
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