Mirror of Justice

A blog dedicated to the development of Catholic legal theory.
Affiliated with the Program on Church, State & Society at Notre Dame Law School.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Colombo on the PCJP

Hofstra law prof Ron Colombo will be addressing the Pontificial Council for Justice and Peace's note on the financial crisis over the coming days at The Conglomerate blog.  (See our earlier posts here and here.)  Here's an excerpt from Ron's opening post:

The Note, quite sadly, doesn't hold a candle to past pronouncements hailing from the Catholic Church on economic matters.  Its language often lacks clarity and precision.  It meanders and comes across disjointed at times.  It speaks in broad generalities - and rarely backs up its conclusory statements with either reasoning or authority.  It doesn't really offer insights that are particularly penetrating or even fresh.  In short, it comes across as a bit stale, and really doesn't pack much of a punch.  Compare the Note to Pope Leo XIII's inestimable encyclical Rerum Novarum, and you'll see what the Church is capable of.  Whether you agree with him or not, Pope Leo's encyclical is sharp, crisp, and impactful.  You know where he's coming from, where he's headed, and exactly why.


Vischer, Rob | Permalink

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No doubt, when a document calls for the establishment of a global financial authority and believes that it is logical for the reform process to proceed through The United Nations as it's reference even though The United Nations does not recognize that from The Beginning, every human individual has been created equal in dignity while being complementary as male and female, it would be logical for those who recognize that since The United Nations definition of The Common Good is not grounded in Caritas in Veritate to begin with, the capital A, as in public Authority with universal jurisdiction, could end up standing for Anarchy.

I apologize for my snarky comment Professor Vischer, but I feel this document serves to cause confusion. Thank you for the reference to the document Rerum Novarum.

Posted by: Nancy D. | Oct 26, 2011 9:26:58 AM