Friday, September 9, 2011
Engaging Stanley Hauerwas at Duke Law
I've just returned from an extraordinary conference on the work of Stanley Hauerwas at Duke Law (details here) that was a model of engagement between law and theology. I was joined on a panel by my fellow MOJ blogger Lisa Schiltz (UST), Brad Wendel (Cornell), and James Logan (Earlham). Steve Macedo (Princeton) provided a Rawlsian critique of Hauerwas, Stanley Fish (FIU) was as entertaining as expected, and H. Jefferson Powell (GW) moderated a concluding discussion with Hauerwas himself. Thanks to John Inazu (Washington U., who also gave an excellent paper on Hauerwas and Ronald Dworkin) for his creativity and energy in organizing the conference and to Duke Law for its gracious hospitality. The papers are forthcoming in Duke's Law and Contemporary Problems.