Thursday, May 5, 2011
More on John Finnis and others at Villanova Law
As previously announced, the sixth-annual John F. Scarpa Conference on Law, Politics, and Culture, to be held at Villanova Law on Friday, September, 30, 2011, will be dedicated to exploring and celebrating the work of John Finnis, Professor of Law and Legal Philosophy in the University of Oxford and Biolchini Family Professor in the University of Notre Dame. As readers of MOJ will be aware, Oxford University Press will soon publish five volumes of Prof. Finnis's collected papers and a new edition of his now-classic 1981 bookNatural Law and Natural Rights.
The Conference's other speakers are a suitably distinguished and varied group:
-George Christie, James B. Duke Professor of Law, Duke University School of Law
-Michelle Madden Dempsey, Associate Professor of Law, Villanova University School of Law
-John Keown, Rose M. Kennedy Professor of Christian Ethics, Georgetown University
-Frederick G. Lawrence, Professor of Theology, Boston College
-Mark Murphy, McDevitt Professor of Religious Philosophy, Georgetown University
-Fr. Martin Rhonheimer, Professor of Philosophy, Pontifical University of the Holy Cross (Rome)
-Michael J. White, Professor of Law and of Philosophy, Arizona State University
Please mark your calendars for September 30, 2011. All of the many topics and themes on which Prof. Finnis has worked will be fair game for dialogue at the Conference.