Thursday, January 28, 2010
Difficult Realities of Engaging the Abortion Debates
Some of the comments on Rob's post about the reaction to the pro-life ad at the Superbowl touched on a reality about the abortion debate of which I am always acutely aware whenever I'm speaking about abortion -- the fact that, statistically, so many people in the audience are likely to have had abortions. It's also something that I always think about when I see an odd reaction by someone when I'm out and about with my son, who has Down Syndrome. Are those odd reactions hurtful expressions of discomfort with his condition or his "otherness", or are they instead expressions of hurt based on a decision that person may have made in his or her own life? Those are such difficult realities to accommodate when figuring out how to engage in the abortion debate.
So here's something more positive: A website that my brother brought to my attention, as a resource for parents faced with a prenatal diagnosis of a disability: Be Not Afraid!