Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Papa Ratzi Gives a Shout Out to MOJ
At the close of his new encyclical Caritas in Veritate, Pope Benedict offers a prayer to the Blessed Mother:
“May the Virgin Mary — proclaimed Mater Ecclesiae by Paul VI and honoured by Christians as Speculum Iustitiae and Regina Pacis — protect us and obtain for us, through her heavenly intercession, the strength, hope and joy necessary to continue to dedicate ourselves with generosity to the task of bringing about the ‘development of the whole man and of all men.’”
O.K., so Papa Ratzi doesn’t specifically mention the women and men of MOJ by name, but he does give a renewed emphasis to Mary as “Speculum Iustitiae” -- Mirror of Justice – under whose patronage we blessed to engage in the project of thinking and writing about legal theory from a Catholic perspective.