Monday, July 28, 2008
The Church and Doctrinal Change, Revisited
On Women's Ordination
-- Martin E. Marty
Robert J.
Egan, S. J., of Gonzaga University, started it all (this round) with an article
in the April 11 Commonweal, in which he asked whether official Roman
Catholics ought to consider reconsidering the Vatican declarations against the
ordination of women to the priesthood. In best "fair and balanced" style the
editors later gave space (July 18) to Sr. Sara Butler, MSBT, of St. Joseph's
Seminary in Yonkers. She draws on her book The Catholic Priesthood and
Women (2007), which had helped prompt Egan's response. And, also in the
July 18 issue, Father Egan was given another chance. So today's Sightings
is a response to a response to a response to a response – almost ad
Whether Catholics should change and begin ordination of women
is their business, not mine, at least not here and today, though outcomes of
Catholic debates do have huge "public religion" consequences. I can only
testify to the manifest blessings so many churches, like my own (ELCA), have
received during the past half-century from the ministry of women-ordained. My
business instead picks up on Egan's closing paragraph, where he argues against
Sr. Butler's reversion to and repetition of the claim that Rome does not
change. He orthodoxly celebrates the constancy of teachings from Rome. But:
"New questions arise, and new horizons open, cultures themselves are
transformed, and the fund of human knowledge changes." His article has no room
to provide chapter and verse when he lists understandings and teachings in which
Rome "has changed dramatically, in ways that could not have been
He offers a short list. You could look 'em up: "on
slavery, women's inferiority, the divine right of kings, the uses of torture,
the status and dignity of the Jewish people, the execution of heretics, the idea
of religious liberty, the moral legitimacy of democratic governments, the
indispensability of Thomism, the structure of the universe itself." In all
these cases, after Catholic change has been virtually total and quickly taken
for granted, one is hard put to think back to when it supported slavery, women's
inferiority, torture, et cetera, or opposed the items just listed which it now
Several years ago Maureen Fiedler and Linda Rabbin,
editors, corralled eighteen scholars who tracked papal statements which suggest
significant revisions and reversals in "understanding and teaching," in Rome
Has Spoken. Their authors, for example, tell of "Usury: Once a Sin, Now
Good Stewardship." Evolution. Positive views of sexual expression within
marriage, changes in scriptural interpretation, ecumenism, and more.
Admittedly, the nature and extent of changes on some of these subjects are open
to debate and should be debated. But change there certainly has been.
"Religious Freedom" is the change most recognized and experienced by modern
publics. Rome Has Spoken quotes a dozen papal prohibitions against
religious freedom from 1184 to 1906. Change came suddenly, beginning with Pius
XII in 1946, more explicitly with John XXIII in 1963 and then, conciliarly, at
the Second Vatican Council in 1965. Just 102 years ago, Pius X was still
teaching the following in a papal encyclical: "that the state must be separated
from the church is a thesis absolutely false, a most pernicious error…an obvious
negation of the supernatural order." "Rome" changed, and admitted it did so –
and survived. Globally, it flourishes now most where it had persecuted
Maureen Fielder and Linda Rabbin, eds.
Rome Has Spoken…: A Guide to Forgotten Papal Statements, and How They Have
Changed Through the Centuries. NY: Crossroad Publishing, 1998.
Butler's Cardinal Cooke Lecture on the subject of women's priesthood is
available at
comes from the Martin Marty Center
at the University of Chicago Divinity School.