Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Mike Scaperlanda quotes what he regards as the wise remarks
of Father Avery Dulles: "All Catholics are of course obliged to accept the
definitive teaching of the Church on matters of faith and morals. Even in
the sphere of nondefinitive teaching, theologians should normally trust and
support the magisterium and dissent only rarely and reluctantly, for reasons
that are truly serious. Dissent, if it arises, should always be modest
and restrained. Dissent that is arrogant, strident, and bitter can have
no right of existence in the Church. Those who dissent must be careful to
explain that they are proposing only their personal views, not the doctrine of
the Church. They must refrain from bringing pressure on the magisterium
by recourse of popular media." Mike thinks that the remarks about
theologians apply a fortiori to non-theologians.
The remarks of Father Dulles raise many questions. What are
the definitive teachings of the Church? Is the view that women can not be
priests, as then Cardinal Ratzinger suggested some years back, one of them?
Does the Church include the faithful? Is their reception of a doctrine
necessary for a teaching to be definitive? Are all non-definitive teachings worthy
of the respect Father Dulles suggests? Or was Father McCormick correct in suggesting
that substantially less deference be afforded to various pronouncements the
Church has made regarding women and sexuality? Does the prohibition of
arrogant, strident, and bitter debate preclude civil, but robust and wise-open
debate? Does the attempt to discourage debate in the popular media suggest that
Commonweal and the National Catholic Reporter are illegitimate media? Is Mirror
of Justice part of the popular media?
What would have happened if Catholics had never objected to
the teachings of the Church? Consider the statement of Father Robert Egan,
S.J., in his excellent article, “Why Not Ordain Women,” (Commonweal, April 11):
“If there were reason to believe the magisterium had never made a mistake, [one
of the arguments against the ordination of women would be more understandable].
Yet the magisterium justified the institution of slavery, tolerated and
endorsed a harsh misogyny and the oppression of women by men, defended the use
of torture, blessed the Crusades, the Inquisition, and the burning at the stake
of heretics, cultivated a disdainful and punitive attitude toward the Jewish
people, insisted that sexual intercourse was morally tolerable only for the
sake of procreation, condemned democracy, ridiculed the idea of religious
liberty, denied the legitimacy of the idea of human rights, and condemned the
separation of church and state. These last six teachings were only reversed at
Vatican II, which some church leaders now claim was in perfect continuity with
the church history preceding it.
“All these teachings were probably considered ‘settled
doctrine’ by the authorities who promulgated and wrote about them. That should
teach us something about not trying to bind the future to the current stage of
our own comprehension. . . . The church risks setting a bad example [in making
theology a defense of magisterial teaching], modeling a behavior which, in any
other social body, would clearly be considered falsifying and corrupting.”
I cite Father Egan not for the purpose of igniting yet
another debate about the history of the Catholic Church (though some may feel
it necessary to dive in to the fire again). I simply state again that most
American Catholics reject many teachings promulgated by the Vatican and the
American Bishops. I doubt their attitudes toward the magisterium are in harmony
with those of Father Dulles, and I think that some authors on this site do not
agree with Father Dulles. Mirror of Justice could be a site in which professors
(theologians or not) exchange their honest views about the magisterium. It can
not be that if those of us who take a negative view of parts of the magisterium
and the claims made for its authority are successfully discouraged from
speaking. I doubt Mike thought his endorsement of the remarks of Father Dulles
would really discourage discussion. It might suggest he thinks this would be a
better site if it were exclusively designed to defend and interpret the
magisterium with no questioning of it by non-theologians. But it is not. Not
yet anyway. If it were, a minority of us could move on. We could all potentially live long, happy, and [with God’s
grace] at least partially holy lives. And we could agree to disagree whether
the site were better or worse off.