Mirror of Justice

A blog dedicated to the development of Catholic legal theory.
Affiliated with the Program on Church, State & Society at Notre Dame Law School.

Friday, February 29, 2008

America Magazine on Castro and Cuba

America Magazine has an editorial on Castro and Cuba in their March 10 edition.  Here is my wife Maria's reaction:

"What a disappointing editorial on Cuba and Fidel Castro! I am one of the Cuban American refugees that you label dismissively as mere 'exiles.' Our family did not leave Cuba because of it's economic conditions but because my father was imprisoned and our family persecuted for its Catholic faith. But economics is the only aspect you seem concerned about. I concur with Pope John Paul II's assessment during his visit to Cuba that the embargo must end. Yet in your narrow focus and overt praising of the questionable "legitimate accomplishments" of Castro's regime you become no different than the secular media--and you offend not only Cubans, but all refugees in this country who have fled repressive regimes in search of religious and other freedoms. What about Cuba's persecuted People of God? Are you aware of the underground Church? What about the hundreds of prisoners of conscience suffering in Cuba's prisons, imprisoned because of their faith or for taking principled stands against Cuban government policies? (see Amnesty International records)  I expect more from America than what I read in the New York Times. I expect a thoughtful response from a faithful and faithfilled Catholic perspective."


Scaperlanda, Mike | Permalink

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