Mirror of Justice

A blog dedicated to the development of Catholic legal theory.
Affiliated with the Program on Church, State & Society at Notre Dame Law School.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

3 Cheers for the GOP

Growing tired of the sleepy tones of NPR, I've switched over to conservative talk radio for my commute over the past couple of weeks.  I have to say, I have found the genre to be entertaining, intellectually stimulating, and horrifying -- often at the same time.  I've only listened to a few dozen callers, I admit, but I've observed a common theme to their comments: the unborn are part of the human community; illegal immigrants and "terrorists" are not.  In this regard, let me give a hearty "Amen!" to the GOP faithful in Florida for making John McCain the clear front-runner for the nomination.  On talk radio, at least, he gets hammered most aggressively for his stances on immigration and torture (as well as campaign finance).  I don't agree with his unwavering support for the war, but I'm glad to see that the voters will support a candidate who speaks unpopular truths about the human persons in our midst.

UPDATE: In response to reader reaction, let me clarify: I am not suggesting that recognizing the human person in our midst requires supporting any particular policy stance on immigration, nor would I morally equate opposition to illegal immigration with support of torture.  I'm making a much less ambitious claim.  I have heard similar rhetoric employed regularly, but not universally, on conservative talk radio in debates on immigration and terrorism.  That rhetoric is, in my view, profoundly dehumanizing.


Vischer, Rob | Permalink

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