Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Christ the King (of the Courthouse)
Let's put disputes over the propriety of displaying the Ten Commandments on government property to the side for a moment. Anyone care to defend a courthouse portrait of Jesus? If so, your services are needed in Slidell, Louisiana. (HT: Religion Clause) Whatever creative Establishment Clause argument city officials can come up with, the rally last night did not help their cause:
[P]rotesters claimed that the portrait, which has been on display since the building opened in 1997, has never posed a problem and fairly represents the majority of residents in their largely Christian community. . . .
"You know, (the ACLU) is picking on a small community," said Randy Lee, 60, of Slidell. A self-described Christian fundamentalist, he gripped a hand-lettered sign that read "In God We Trust.""Christians are seen as very passive. It's time for Christian people to stand up and say, 'Hey!'"
The rally lasted about an hour and was peppered with prayer and shouts of "Hallelujah!" and "Praise Jesus!" Toward the end of her speech, the Rev. Kathleen Javery-Bacon, of the Holy Ghost and Fire Revival Ministries in Slidell, raised her arm to the sky while chanting, "Jesus! Jesus! Jesus" as the crowd echoed her cry.