Mirror of Justice

A blog dedicated to the development of Catholic legal theory.
Affiliated with the Program on Church, State & Society at Notre Dame Law School.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

More on patriotism and "cosmopolitanism"

Responding to my post, the other day, about Catholics, patriotism, and cosmopolitanism, a friend and MOJ reader reminds me of these statements by the Council:

1.      Decree on the Church's Missionary Activity (1965) sec. 15:  "The Christian faithful...should live for God and Christ by following the honourable customs of their own nation.   As good citizens, they should practice true and effective patriotism [amorem Patriae], should avoid altogether racial prejudice [stirpis contemptum] and rancorous [exacerbatum] nationalism, and should foster a universal love of human beings."

sec. 21:  "...the lay faithful fully belong at one and the same time both to the People of God and to civil society.  They belong to the nation in which they were born.  They have begun to share in its cultural treasures by means of their education.  They are joined in its life by manifold social ties... They feel its problems as their very own...  they must give expression to this [Christian] newness of life in the social and cultural framework of their own homeland [patriae], according to the traditions of their own nation, a culture which they should get to know, heal, preserve, develop in accordance with contemporary conditions, and finally perfect in Christ.

2.      Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World (1965) sec. 75:  "Citizens should develop a generous and loyal devotion [pietatem] to their own country, without narrow-mindedness but rather in such a way that they always simultaneously look to the good of the whole human family which is tied together by manifold links between races [stirpes], peoples, and nations.  May all Christians feel a special and personal vocation in political community..."


Garnett, Rick | Permalink

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