Mirror of Justice

A blog dedicated to the development of Catholic legal theory.
Affiliated with the Program on Church, State & Society at Notre Dame Law School.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Parish closings in New York

Today's Times has a story about the announced plans to close 31 parishes and 14 schools in the New York archdiocese.  Two really quick thoughts:  First, it is interesting to note how big, relatively speaking, the attendance figures are that are presented, in the context of this story, as small.  The Church of the Nativity, for instance, is described as having a dwindling attendance -- down to about 400.  But, 400 is a lot of people, isn't it?  If I remember, doesn't 2,000 make a church a "mega-church"?  Also, I was happy to see that the story noted the fact -- sometimes omitted in stories that focus more on closings, dwindling attendance, secularization, and the priest-shortage -- that several new, very large parishes are opening (in this case, in suburbs).  I'm enough of an urbanist -- in sensibility, anyway -- to want to think that the old "lots of close-knit parishes in urban walkable communities" model is (somehow) better.  But, maybe not . . .


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