Monday, March 28, 2005
Response to Rob Vischer ...
... and to other interested readers of this blog. For Rob's query about a faithful Catholic's proper relationship to the teaching authority of the magisterium, click here. Two excellent places to begin for those interested in pursuing this issue:
1. Judge John T. Noonan Jr.'s new book, A Church That Can and Cannot Change: The Development of Catholic Moral Teaching (2005). Click here.
2. Francis A. Sullivan, Creative Fidelity: Weighing and Interpreting Documents of the Magisterium (2003). Click here.
(Thanks to Cathy Kaveny for recommending these books.)
I touched upon the issue in chapter 5 of my book Under God? Religious Faith and Liberal Democracy (2003). Chapter 5 is titled Catholics, the Magisterium, and Same-Sex Unions: An Argument for Independent Judgment. Click here.