Mirror of Justice

A blog dedicated to the development of Catholic legal theory.
Affiliated with the Program on Church, State & Society at Notre Dame Law School.

Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Prosperity and its Discontents

Generally speaking, I believe that markets work, that efficiency matters, and that property- and entrepreneurship-rights are both practically and morally important. At the same time, I have a soft spot for anti-consumerism social critiques, agrarian nostalgia, "crunchy conservativism," the "family farm," and the "old neighborhood." So, while I am sympathetic to many of the arguments set out in Gregg Easterbrook's latest, a lot of what Radley Balko says in this essay -- "Prosperity's Nitpickers," also rings true.

Is there a way to combine the Burkean stance, described below by Steve, with Balko's exhuberant celebration of the many ways in which capitalism improves our lives?


UPDATE: Nate Oman has some thoughts. So does Gordon Smith.


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» Markets and the Old Neighborhood from Tutissima Cassis
raises an interesting question over at Mirror of Justice. He writes: Generally speaking, I believe that markets work, that efficiency matters, and that property- and entrepreneurship-rights are both practically and morally important. At the same time, ... [Read More]

Tracked on Apr 28, 2004 4:36:25 PM

» Capitalism & Community from Venturpreneur by Gordon Smith: Entrepreneurship, Law, Etc.
Rick Garnett and Nate Oman are talking about the pulls of capitalism and community. Rick writes: Generally speaking, I believe that markets work, that efficiency matters, and that property- and entrepreneurship-rights are both practically and morally i... [Read More]

Tracked on Apr 29, 2004 5:30:30 AM

» Capitalism & Community from Venturpreneur by Gordon Smith: Entrepreneurship, Law, Etc.
Rick Garnett and Nate Oman are talking about the pulls of capitalism and community. Rick writes: Generally speaking, I believe that markets work, that efficiency matters, and that property- and entrepreneurship-rights are both practically and morally i... [Read More]

Tracked on Apr 29, 2004 5:38:23 AM