Mirror of Justice

A blog dedicated to the development of Catholic legal theory.
Affiliated with the Program on Church, State & Society at Notre Dame Law School.

Sunday, March 28, 2004

More from the Conference

The Religiously Affiliated Law Schools conference at Notre Dame has wrapped up. As Rob's post (below) notes, the conference was an informative, provocative, and thoroughly enjoyable gathering. Our fellow blogger Amy Uelman gave a fascinating talk (based on a soon-to-be-published paper) on the possibilities of a "Trinitarian perspective" for products-liability law. (I'll leave it to her to supply the details). Other speakers discussed strategies for integrating, where appropriate, faith-based insights and claims into law-school courses. Still others -- including our own Mark Sargent -- talked about the challenge of building and maintaining a law school with a meaningful religious identity. I was particularly struck by Mark's exchange with one of the panelists (Dan Morrissey, Dean of Gonzaga's law school) about whether legal-aid clinics, a social-justice orientation, and financial aid for low-income students were enough to comprise a "Catholic" identity or mission. (Mark's "Alternative to the Sectarian Vision" article, linked on the right, pursues these and other questions).



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